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27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

iRecco@mail.com energy.IRecco@mail.com

+1 (800) 123 456 789
+1 (800) 321 456 746

Our Solution

Wind turbine TE24.

of installation
and operation with
the electric grid

Vind wind turbines can be installed on-grid, interconnected to the electrical distribution network, compensating the energy generated during the entire period with the energy consumed. This form of compensation is regulated by the Brazilian agency for energy (ANEEL).

They can also be installed off-grid, which means operating autonomously, depending on the location and conditions of its implementation.

General Characteristics

The Vind Wind turbines have an electronically controlled pitch variation system (“Pitch Control”), adjusting the inclination of the blades in relation to the wind to obtain the best performance for each wind speed.


The Vind wind turbines have an intuitive touch screen digital interface, which acts as a control panel and telemetry, accessed by Internet connection and passwords controlled at various levels.

It allows monitoring of preventive maintenance, guidance on identifying faults and solutions, among other functions.


The useful life of the turbine is around 20 years and, depending on the amount of energy paid by the customer before installation, can result in around 16 years of free energy generation.

Core Benefits

Econômico, em médio e longo prazo, com redução de custos de consumo da energia elétrica.


Environmental, with the inclusion of a renewable source in the system (preservation of the environment by not requiring intervention at the installation site, preservation of water resources, neutralization of carbon sources).


Strengthening of brand identity, through management guided by current best practices.